Wednesday, September 26, 2007

hw 9 Huffing about the facts

Huffington states in her article punching holes in old faded mirrors, that she would go to her rebellious world that broke through the media monopoly; the blogosphere. In the blogosphere she would right a report involving the real important news, that the media is too atention deficit to pay attention to. In this article she would report the news in a fashion that was neither left wing nor right. I think Huffington is mistaken, because she greatly overlooks the fact that she is as far to the left as Bill O'Rielly is to the right. If she could not go 30 seconds into an interview without giving out a strong leftist presence, than i feel it would be impossible to keep her article neutral. She would probably end up being like a Steven Colbert of the internet, pretending to belong to a party that he doesn't, and often letting it slip out that fact that he simply is pretending. However, i do agree with her on the fact that the news media is largely to focused on their big story. They play the story that will capture our attention the most, for as long as it will hold our attention. When we finally loose our attention, they will go to the next big story. It does leave room for other more minor stories of interest. Which insures that people do not get all of the news information that they should be getting.

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